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Incredibly handy to have in your car, I have one for my car and one for my house. Can be used even on the toughest heads you come across without stripping
It is what it says it is. It works like it said it would, and it shipped quickly. I haven't had any problems with the socket.
I use this with a small cordless drill for turning eyebolts. It can adapt to almost anything. Great tool.
Just used it once but it helped screw in eyes
When I'm out in the field and need to carry tools, this one replaces many and works! Is it as tight fitting as a socket of the correct size? No, but it doesn't strip anything and works! In my book that's perfect, once I get back home I can use the exact size I need to fix equipment. It replaces many tools I would say it's a homerun!
Excellent product. Thanks!
This is a great tool to pack if you want to just grab a limited set of things (because you're walking around the house and don't want to lug around your entire set). With screw hooks, you have to hammer them in your create a tiny pilot hole or hammer a little hole in first with hardwood. Using this tool fresh with a screw hook will not work: it will just spin around. (I take it most of you knew that, but I didn't think of it until I tried it.) That's pretty much all I use it for is screw hooks.
The house we buy had tons of these brass hooks in the ceiling presumably for hanging plants from. Someone in the range of 50 or 60 these things and I'm doing each when my hand was taking forever. Check this thing inside my electric drill and I was able to knock out all 60 and under 5 minutes
I used this to help take apart some old farm equipment that had tons of old, rusting nuts of various sizes on it. Broadly speaking, it was faster and easier to use than my vice grip pliers. At the same time, there were some nuts -- ones that were far from rusted down -- that it just couldn't get a strong grip on. In those cases, the socket was completely useless, which is not something I can say about the vice grips. That said, I'm glad have this is my tool kit, even though I doubt I'll use it very often. It's definitely not going to replace my other socket sets, but it's a good option to have for those situations where standard sockets aren't getting the job done.
I've looked at these universal drivers for a while and was shocked to see one so cheap, so I was skeptical about the quality. But upon arrival, it seems perfect! I've already used it a few times and it works exactly as described.
I have used this socket a couple of times. I was enthusiastic because I could just carry it and my socket wrench with me when I faced a repair job. So far, it hasn't been the answer for me. I'll continue to try to get it to work. It's ingenious, but just misses the mark for me.
Very useful around the house. No more searching for socket set.
Worth having but I wouldn't rely on it for every day use.
This tool is adjustable to any bolt, hook or screw. I use to remove my shutters bolts and work perfectly in the new and rusty ones. Adapts perfect to my power screwdriver.
Really liked this instead of carrying multiple sockets one works well and pretty much does what it's made to do.
Love this thing. Eliminates the need for a bunch of other tools. Fits so many different heads. I was able to minimize my tool box size just with this one tiny tool. A definite must have for everyone, handyman or not
I've looked at these universal drivers for a while and was shocked to see one so cheap, so I was skeptical about the quality. But upon arrival, it seems perfect! I've already used it a few times and it works exactly as described.
Great set for the few occasions I have to run some long lags or take out bolts or hex screws. I don't carry around a socket set so these two are all I need in my tool bag. The small pins make it easy to go over any hex head and have already used them to run some 2 1/2 inch lags through a 2x8. I was afriad that the impact driver would damage or break the socket pins but after running 10 lags I had no issues and the socket was fine. All in all its great and super handy. You never know when you're going to have to deal with some random bolt, lag, or other hex head.