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This stuff is pretty great. My hair has been pretty dry and abused throughout my life. This stuff seems to be doing the trick. It's the right consistency, not watery like other products, and it smells incredible. Most importantly, my hair feels soft and bouncy, which is something I've never really felt before from other big name brand conditioners. I'll definitely be buying this again
I occasionally get dandruff, and it usually goes away but it got pretty bad this time. I don't ever normally use conditioner but I decided I would time. Luckily I stumbled upon this bottle and decided to try it based on the good reviews and they don't lie. Only been using it for a few days and my dry flaky scalp has about 2/3 the dandruff as before, and not only that but my hair actually looks and feels so much softer/fuller and heavier. I also have a super sensitive scalp and this hasn't irritated it all. Smells great too.
The conditioner works really and gives a consistent cover on your head leaving your hair feeling softer and healthier afterwards. The conditioner has a slight minty smell but also has sweet floral tones that may leave your hair smelly more fragrant than some men would like.
I had an issue with dry and itchy scalp and tried a bunch of conditioners but nothing worked. I found this and have been really happy using it since. I haven't had any dryness. Highly recommended . I also have a sensitive scalp and this has done wonders for me.
Smells good, feels nice and thick applying and leaves your hair feeling silky smooth. I always just used a 2 in 1 like Old Spice or Axe before. Got this and loved it. Been using it ever since. Makes my hair feel like I care for it.
The conditioner works amazing! My hair feels and looks stronger and I haven't even been using it for a week. Highly recommend it! I use several Lumin products and for me personally, they've been outstanding
I tried 3 conditioners in that time and this one is by far the best. It has the qualities and ingredients I’m looking for but is not girly. It really smells great. Leaves my hair feeling clean and moisturized.
Really enjoying this product so far - my hair feels softer than ever and it smells great. My only complaint is that my girlfriend keeps trying to steal it from me!
For a product at this high of quality, for this reasonable price, I will absolutely continue to buy. My hair feels better already
The conditioner leaves my hair feeling soft, stronger, thicker, and clean. I've used it a few times a week and love the feeling I get after using it.
I wish there was a bigger bottle. I would buy two, overall, the conditioner is pretty good and keeps my hair soft the whole day.
Overall I would recommend this product. I definitely can feel that my hair is stronger and feels thicker and fuller.
it's lightweight but has been keeping my hair soft and shiny. the scent is nice without being too overpowering.
I have only used the product a few days but I really like it. My scalp seems less stressed and my hair is definitely softer. So far so good!
Terrific product. Smells refreshing, tingly on scalp, not too thick and not too thin in consistency. I will definitely be buying again in the future and try their shampoo
Great stuff, gives your head a super cool tingly feeling. Scent isn't too strong, more just right 🤘
It smells nice and works well. The bottle is small for a conditioner but it works well.
I noticed a difference right away using this product.Since I wash my hair everyday, I need a conditioner to balance what I’m missing.
Feels like this conditioner nourishes my hair
Promise! This really works. My hair is growing back within a month. Crazy..
I liked that it made my hair soft.
Happy with this product. Hair is noticeably more "lively."
Nice clean feel, no sulfates