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I needed to get relief form my heel pain. I currently use hard insoles to help my Plantar Fasciitis but started feel discomfort so I looked something different to help me. So before I went back to my Doctor I wanted to try this product and I read the reviews and it sounds like work. I will say it is uncomfortable at first to walk with this product with socks on but I only used them for a short period of time each day. I have to say even after the first day it has helped me!
I debated which version (intensity level) to get, but am glad I purchased the most intense one. I was concerned when so many reviews said they were painful. With socks on, these were just right therapeutically. I like the jade stone accents. I wish they weren’t an ugly color, but they are to be worn in the home so that doesn’t really matter. I was concerned they wouldn’t fit my narrow feet, but with the adjustment it actually accommodates that enough which is great.
These have helped my feet immensely! I’m often on my feet on concrete surfaces for 10-12 hours a day. Before getting these I was changing my shoes/orthotic inserts at least once a day and would still have foot cramps after about 8 hours of working. I’ve been wearing these for 5-15 minutes a night at home and after a week of using them my foot pain has drastically diminished. I don’t even have to wear them everyday now after owning them for a month.
These sandals are well made, effective and affordable. I received them, put them on, and tried them out by walking around the house and they are a perfect fit. They really help stimulate the soles of my feet. They are impressively made. I imagine the more I wear them, the more comfortable they will be, once my feet get used to them. I'm a tenderfoot and that may be the reason I can really benefit from them, since my feet don't usually get such a great work out as these sandals offer. Thank you, for your innovative foot product!!
I have high arches and very tight muscles in my feet as a result. These slippers are a huge relief. I do have tough feet as a result of years of foot cramps, so I found the pressure comforting , though my heels got tender the quickest. My mother had sensitive feet and can’t step on a pebble, so I know these won’t be for everyone, but I think they work great!
Like everyone else has said, upon first wearing them they hurt. But after soldiering through it, when I took them off, my feet felt SO MUCH BETTER!!!! I’m on my feet for 10-14hrs a day. And I cant even explain the difference these have made. They basically give your feet a hardcore massage. I recommend wearing socks while having them on. They are hard to walk in, so I wear them while I’m standing washing dishes, or in the shower before bed. I’m so glad I took a chance on these
I cannot stand my whole weight for long (180 pound), and I can definitely not wear them to walk normally. These are a good idea, but it hurts my feet more than it feels good. I still gave it a few stars because if i lean on something and just have my feet slowly go up and down it can feel goot. Furthermore they are sturdy and come with replacement parts.
I have plantar fasciitis and I stand on my feet the majority of the day. These definitely hurt sooo good... meaning it takes some time to get use to but really helps workout the bed of the foot. These couples w/ compression socks have helped relieve me of foot pain and lower back pain... definitely wear socks to initially break them end.
Just received these and love them. I have sore feet and these are amazing and hurt in a great way while I wear them. When I take them off I feel so relieved. Just wearing them in short intervals now. I am a big guy, so these buttons are getting a workout also! Can’t wait to get used to them!!
I would highly recommend - follow instructions- it has released most of my pain and only have small discomfort but as I continue using , it’s getting much better. Following instructions will benefit you.
These slippers help with foot pain, they hurt when walking on it, but just need to get used to it. I put them in the freezer for 10 minutes before wearing, make the slippers nice and cool
One of the better massage sandals i have.Being spring loaded really gives you a great massage. They really feel great on your feet...Well worth the money!
I have foot problems from diabetes. 15 minutes in the morning noon and night. Makes a huge difference. Doesn’t make the pain go away but definitely makes it less noticeable.